Nurse’s Genius Baby Hold Soothes Crying Newborns in Minutes

Every parent dreads the sound of their newborn’s inconsolable cries, especially when the cause is gas pain. However, a ray of hope has emerged in the form of a nurse who has shared a remarkable technique that can soothe these cries within minutes.

Danielle Anne Manton-Kelly, a mother of four and parenting expert known as The Enchanted Nanny on TikTok, has introduced parents to a groundbreaking hold that can effectively ease gas discomfort in newborns. Credited to an osteopath named Lucy, this hold has worked wonders for Danielle’s son William and countless other infants.

The technique is remarkably simple. Stand with your baby cradled in your arms, gently cycling their legs in a figure-eight motion. This movement mimics natural digestion and provides relief from painful gas. Lucy emphasizes the importance of this hold before babies start crawling or walking, as they need assistance with this movement.

A video demonstrating the hold has gone viral on TikTok, garnering over 1.9 million views. Parents have hailed it as a lifesaver, sharing their regret for not knowing about it sooner. Colic, characterized by excessive crying in babies, is a common problem that often improves after three or four months. Parents concerned about colic can seek advice from NHS 111 or consult with a GP.

Danielle’s website, The Enchanted Nanny, provides a wealth of resources and support for parents. She has also authored a book titled “The Enchanted Nanny’s Little Book of Wisdom,” offering practical and compassionate guidance to parents navigating the challenges of raising children.

The nurse’s hold is a testament to the ingenuity and compassion of those dedicated to the well-being of children. It is a simple, yet highly effective technique that can bring comfort to newborns and peace of mind to their parents.

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