In a heartbreaking turn of events, Michelle Wolff, a dedicated nurse and mother of four, lost her life in a tragic crash on the D’Aguilar Hwy near Harlin in December 2021. The incident occurred as she was returning home after working late. Shockingly, the other driver, Jacob Paul Johnston, deliberately crossed the center line of the road and collided head-on with Wolff’s vehicle. The impact was catastrophic, resulting in Wolff’s untimely demise at the scene.
Johnston, now 23 years old, admitted in the Brisbane Supreme Court to killing the 49-year-old nurse. Following the crash, he was airlifted to the hospital and later charged with manslaughter. Police uncovered messages in which Johnston had expressed suicidal thoughts, leading to his arrest about three months after the incident.
The court heard that Johnston’s relationship with his partner ended around 8 pm on December 1, shortly before he embarked on his ill-fated journey towards Brisbane. Wolff, who had kindly stayed back to assist at work after her shift, found herself in Johnston’s path at 8.47 pm.
Dell Daniells, Wolff’s grieving mother, confronted Johnston in a powerful statement read by the prosecutor, expressing her outrage and sorrow: “Your decision to kill my daughter that night has destroyed so many lives. Shame on you for robbing her and the kids and family of her life, in a selfish act.”
Kasey, Wolff’s daughter, recounted the harrowing experience of being on the phone with her mother when she realized something terrible had occurred. She heard noises and her mother’s voice abruptly cut off before other voices mentioned the arrival of the police. With a heavy heart, Kasey hung up and alerted her father, who rushed to the scene of the crash.
Kasey’s words echoed the immense pain and loss felt by the family: “He took my mum, my best friend and my rock … and there are no words for the pain we have felt for the past 876 days without her.” She poignantly shared that she had graduated as a doctor in the same week she delivered her mother’s eulogy, but the absence of her beloved mother left a profound void.
Gavin Wolff, Michelle’s husband, expressed his anguish and anger, feeling helpless to mend the broken hearts of his four children. He lamented, “The world would be a much better place if there were more Michelle’s here.”
Justice Paul Freeburn, while acknowledging that Johnston did not intend to kill Wolff, emphasized the callous and reckless nature of his actions. He stated, “This was an appalling and callous act, even appreciating your intention to kill yourself.” The court heard that Johnston, a New Zealand national with no prior criminal or traffic history, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and attempting to pervert the course of justice. He had asked his ex-girlfriend to withdraw statements made to the police.
In accordance with the charges, Freeburn sentenced Johnston to 10 years behind bars for manslaughter and an additional 12-month prison term for attempting to obstruct justice. He will be eligible for parole in September 2030. This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of reckless driving and the profound impact it can have on countless lives.