Oakland’s International Boulevard Set for Safety Makeover

International Boulevard in Oakland is a vibrant and diverse street, but it has also been plagued by safety concerns. In the past two years, at least 18 pedestrians have been killed in vehicle crashes on International Boulevard, and 25% of traffic fatalities in the city happen on that street.

The city of Oakland and Alameda County transportation officials are now working to make International Boulevard safer for pedestrians and drivers. The improvements include installing yellow vertical posts every 10 feet to separate the lanes going in opposite directions and white vertical flex-posts every 15 feet between the “bus-only” lanes and regular traffic lanes. The Tempo Bus Rapid Transit, which carries more than 15,000 passengers on an average weekday, has sliced traveling times significantly but some drivers ignore the indicator signs. Plans call for new white painted text emphasizing the “bus-only” lane and permissible turns as well as new speed limit and road violation signs. “Speed cushions,” which are similar to speed bumps but wider and less jarring, will be installed on a small stretch of International below 45th Avenue to keep drivers from plowing through the “bus-only” lanes.

In addition to the physical improvements, the city is also working to address the issue of prostitution and youth sex trafficking on International Boulevard. Police say men looking to pay for sex often make illegal U-turns to talk to a sex worker or stop in the street without warning. The city is working with community groups to develop a plan to address this issue.

The safety improvements on International Boulevard are a welcome step towards making the street safer for everyone. These changes will help to reduce traffic fatalities, improve transit access, and make International Boulevard a more welcoming and vibrant place for all.

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