OGAYA Travel Partners with Panamanian Foundation for Sustainable Tourism to Empower Rural Communities

OGAYA Travel, a leading regenerative travel operator based in Panama, has announced a strategic partnership with the Panamanian Foundation for Sustainable Tourism (APTSO). This collaboration signifies a powerful commitment to supporting rural and indigenous communities in Panama through projects focused on environmental conservation and community empowerment.

OGAYA Travel, known for its intimate journeys that unveil Panama’s breathtaking natural beauty, rich ancestral culture, and authentic communities, goes beyond traditional luxury travel. The company’s trips offer guests transformative experiences while fostering meaningful connections with the environment and local cultures. As part of its core business model, OGAYA integrates philanthropy by dedicating a portion of its revenue to conservation and community initiatives.

APTSO shares a similar vision, believing in the transformative power of tourism to drive sustainable development in Panama. They focus on building resilience against climate change by promoting projects aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Their initiatives not only conserve Panama’s unique ecosystems and cultural heritage but also empower local communities to thrive.

Through this partnership, OGAYA Travel will actively participate in APTSO’s tour operator program, focusing on two flagship community projects: [Insert specific names and details of the projects]. Both projects exemplify OGAYA’s commitment to regenerative travel, aiming to leave destinations better than they were found.

This collaboration strengthens OGAYA’s role as a leader in blending high-end tourism with meaningful, sustainable practices. The partnership will be showcased at the Adventure Travel World Summit (ATWS) in Panama in October 2024, highlighting the critical role rural and indigenous communities play in environmental conservation and preserving Panama’s cultural heritage.

The Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA), founded in 1990, is the world’s largest network of adventure travel leaders. With approximately 30,000 members, including tour operators, travel advisors, tourism boards, outdoor educators, and travel media, the ATTA promotes sustainable tourism and fosters collaboration among its members to drive responsible business growth and community development worldwide.

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