Oil stains on clothes? This BBC cleaning hack uses chalk to remove them

Oil stains on clothes can be a nightmare to remove, but a cleaning expert from BBC’s “Sort Your Life Out” has shared an affordable hack that promises to tackle even the most stubborn grease stains. In a recent episode of the show, Iwan Carrington demonstrated how to use chalk to remove oil stains from a white school shirt.

The principle behind this hack lies in chalk’s absorbent properties, which help lift grease stains from fabric fibres. Cleaning expert Jill Koch previously shared with Homes & Gardens which chalk works so effectively. She said: “Chalk is typically made from a form of limestone called calcium carbonate. “As you apply the chalk to the oil stain, it will absorb the oil and essentially hold onto it. Then you can brush the chalk away and the oil along with it. “Chalk today [usually] includes other ingredients, too, but calcium carbonate is often still the main ingredient.”

This simple yet effective method offers hope for those facing grease-related laundry woes. Later in the episode, he shared another brilliant cost-efficient cleaning hack involving eco-friendly bamboo paper. By soaking bamboo paper in a solution of water, vinegar, washing up liquid, and lemon drops, Carrington demonstrated how to create reusable wipes that can be washed and reused up to 120 times.

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