Oklahoman and New Zealand Girlfriend Team Up to Feed Ukrainian Citizens

Jason Zan, an Edmond, Oklahoma archeologist, and his New Zealand girlfriend, Harriet Campbell, a professional baker, have joined forces to provide food for Ukrainians near the front lines. Their collaboration began when Campbell needed help sending tourniquets to Ukraine, and Zan’s prior volunteer experience in the country prompted him to assist her. Since then, they have volunteered in western Ukraine and plan to relocate there for three months in August to prepare and distribute meals. Through Sooner Hope for Ukraine, Zan and Campbell are raising funds to support their mission and urge Oklahomans to maintain their concern for the continuing war.

Prior to meeting, Zan felt compelled to assist Ukraine after witnessing the Russian invasion in February 2022. Campbell was inspired by the bravery and heroism of the Ukrainian people. The couple met online and quickly realized their shared desire to help.

Zan’s background in archeology proved valuable, enabling him to assist the military and police with drone training. He used funds raised to purchase a drone jammer from a manufacturer in Kharkiv and contributed to the acquisition and assembly of makeshift ambulances.

Initially, the couple volunteered in western Ukraine, where they assisted in various ways, including caring for abandoned pets and constructing camouflage nets. Campbell’s culinary expertise proved invaluable as she used food to foster connections with the locals.

Recognizing the urgent need for food close to the front lines, the couple plans to relocate to Ukraine in August. Campbell has developed a menu that provides hearty and sustainable meals for just $0.80 per person. They intend to prepare and distribute soups, stews, and other nutritious dishes.

To support their mission, Zan and Campbell are urging Oklahomans to donate to Sooner Hope for Ukraine. They also recommend other reputable organizations such as Robinhood Ukraine, Actions Beyond Words, Cherkasy Urban, and Mission Ukraine.

The couple emphasizes that the war in Ukraine continues despite waning attention spans. They hope that their efforts will inspire Oklahomans to remain engaged and contribute to the ongoing relief efforts for the Ukrainian people.

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