Oliver Stark, who plays Evan “Buck” Buckley on the Fox drama “9-1-1,” has shed light on the fan-favorite relationship between Buck and Eddie Diaz, portrayed by Ryan Guzman. Stark acknowledges the sexual undertones in the duo’s initial encounter, suggesting that Buck might have been drawn to Eddie. He also notes that Buck’s insecurities and jealousy contributed to their early tension.
Despite Buck’s recent coming out and his current relationship with Tommy, Stark is receptive to the possibility of a romantic relationship between Buck and Eddie. However, he emphasizes the importance of handling such storylines sensitively to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes. Guzman, for his part, agrees that the connection and vulnerability between the characters should be preserved, regardless of the direction their relationship takes.
The dynamic between Buck and Eddie has resonated deeply with fans, who appreciate the way they complement and support each other. Guzman attributes this connection to the characters’ vulnerability and their ability to rely on each other during difficult times.
As the show progresses, it remains to be seen how Buck and Eddie’s relationship will evolve. However, Stark and Guzman’s genuine portrayal of their characters and their commitment to handling the storyline with sensitivity suggest that the audience is in for a compelling and nuanced exploration of love, friendship, and self-discovery.