OpenAI’s ChatGPT Faces Privacy Complaint for Inaccurate Data

Privacy advocacy organization NOYB has filed a complaint with the Austrian data protection authority against Microsoft-backed startup OpenAI. The complaint alleges that OpenAI’s generative AI chatbot, ChatGPT, has violated EU privacy regulations by providing inaccurate data and refusing to correct it when requested.

According to the complaint, the complainant, a well-known individual, asked ChatGPT about his birthday, but the chatbot repeatedly displayed incorrect information. ChatGPT typically provides a disclaimer stating that its data may not be “adequate,” “updated,” or “incorrect” when it is uncertain of the information it provides. However, in this instance, the chatbot did not provide such a disclaimer.

NOYB argues that ChatGPT’s failure to provide accurate and transparent data violates individuals’ rights under EU law. The complaint requests an investigation into OpenAI’s data processing practices and urges the company to take steps to ensure that ChatGPT complies with EU privacy regulations.

OpenAI has acknowledged that its language models are not always accurate and has stated that it is working to improve the accuracy of the data provided by ChatGPT. However, NOYB maintains that the company has a responsibility to ensure that ChatGPT is compliant with EU law before it is widely used.

The complaint highlights concerns about the use of AI systems to process personal data. As AI systems become more prevalent, it is crucial to ensure that they adhere to privacy regulations and respect individuals’ rights.

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