Opposition to Glenbow East Dam Proposal Grows Amidst Alberta Government’s Upstream Reservoir Feedback Gathering

The Government of Alberta’s ongoing efforts to gather feedback on upstream reservoir proposals for the Bow River have sparked strong reactions, particularly regarding the Glenbow East Dam option. The Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation, led by former Calgary mayoral candidate Jeromy Farkas, has expressed concerns about the potential negative impacts of the Glenbow East Dam on the newly established Haskayne Legacy Park and Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park. The foundation strongly advocates for the relocation of the Ghost Dam as a more environmentally sound and less disruptive alternative.

The latest round of public consultation, which has been extended to May 13th, presents two options for consideration: the Glenbow East Dam and the decommissioning and relocation of the Ghost Dam. The Glenbow East Dam, with an estimated cost of $992 million, has raised concerns due to its potential effects on park space and limited flood protection for nearby areas. The Ghost Dam relocation option, estimated at $917 million, has gained support as it is seen as minimizing the impact on wildlife and utilizing existing infrastructure.

A 2020 assessment classified the downstream effectiveness of the Glenbow East Dam as ‘very good,’ while the other options were rated as ‘good.’ However, the report acknowledged that all proposals would have environmental impacts, with the Glenbow East site posing the most significant concerns for park space. Farkas argues that the Glenbow East Dam would not adequately protect nearby Cochrane from flooding or drought, further supporting his stance for the Ghost Dam option.

In response to the concerns raised, the Minister of Environment and Parks, Rebecca Schulz, has directed department officials to extend the current round of engagement by one week. A decision from the province is expected next year, with the earliest possible operational date for an upstream reservoir set at 2034. The ongoing public consultation and discussions surrounding the upstream reservoir proposals highlight the importance of balancing environmental protection and flood mitigation in decision-making processes.

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