Over 25 Girls Fall Ill After Deworming Medication at Madhya Pradesh School

A concerning incident unfolded at a government school in Khajuri, Sidhi district, Madhya Pradesh on Tuesday, when over 25 female students fell ill after allegedly consuming deworming medication. The students, ranging from classes 6 to 12, were reportedly given Albendazole tablets for deworming purposes at the school.

According to the district hospital’s civil surgeon, Dr. Deeparani Israni, more than 25 girls sought medical attention at the hospital after experiencing adverse effects. Fortunately, all the students are reported to be out of danger.

One student recounted that anganwadi workers distributed the tablets to the students, and many began experiencing symptoms within a mere half hour of consumption. The incident raises concerns about the potential for adverse reactions to the deworming medication and the process of its distribution.

Authorities are investigating the incident to determine the cause of the students’ illness and to ensure the safety of future medication distribution within the school system. The incident highlights the importance of careful monitoring and evaluation of medications, especially when administered to large groups, to prevent potential health risks.

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