Pakistani-American Businessman Praises Modi, Urges Pakistan to Follow India’s Example

A prominent Pakistani-American businessman, Sajid Tarar, has expressed admiration for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, suggesting that Pakistan should follow India’s example to achieve similar success.

Tarar, a pro-Trump Republican Party leader and founder of American Muslims for Donald Trump, believes that India’s rise under Modi’s leadership is evident in its strong lobbying presence in Washington D.C. and the booming Indian tech sector. He argues that Modi’s emphasis on nationalism has positively impacted both Indians living within India and those residing in the United States, where they are prominent in key industries.

Tarar further suggests that Pakistan should emulate India’s focus on education. He points to the long-term benefits that India has reaped from investments in education, citing the establishment of prestigious institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs).

In addition to his admiration for Modi, Tarar is a vocal supporter of Donald Trump’s candidacy for the US presidency. He believes that Trump’s return to power would strengthen America’s position on the world stage and counter China’s growing influence. Tarar contends that Trump’s focus on making America great again is a genuine priority, unlike what he perceives as the self-serving agendas of career politicians within the Democratic Party.

While acknowledging Trump’s stance on immigration, Tarar emphasizes that Trump is not against immigrants but rather critical of the US government’s approach to immigration policy. He suggests that Trump’s return to the presidency would present a challenge to China as he would actively counter Beijing’s policies in various areas.

Tarar’s statements highlight the growing influence of the Indian diaspora in the US and underscore the role of nationalism in shaping national development. His support for both Modi and Trump reveals a shared ideology focused on national strength and a pushback against China’s assertive policies on the global stage.

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