Pakistani Woman Receives Life-Saving Heart Transplant in Chennai, Thanks to Free Surgery and Medical Trust

Pakistani Woman Receives Life-Saving Heart Transplant in Chennai, Thanks to Free Surgery and Medical Trust

A young woman from Karachi, Pakistan, named Ayesha Rashan, has received a new lease on life after undergoing a successful heart transplant surgery at Chennai’s MGM Healthcare. The surgery was made possible thanks to a medical trust that covered the entire cost of the procedure, which typically exceeds Rs 35 lakh.

Ms. Rashan’s condition was critical before the surgery, and she was put on ECMO, a form of life support. However, a leak developed in the valve of her heart pump, necessitating a full heart transplant. The donor heart was sourced from Delhi, and the surgery was performed by Dr. KR Balakrishnan and Dr. Suresh Rao, who praised the city’s status as a leading center for organ donation and transplant surgery.

Ms. Rashan’s family expressed their gratitude to the doctors, the hospital, and the medical trust, as they could not have afforded the surgery without their support. Ms. Rashan herself said that she feels good after the transplant and is looking forward to returning to Pakistan.

The doctors also made an appeal to other hospitals and professionals to offer free or low-cost transplant surgeries to make them accessible to more people in need. They highlighted the fact that high costs make transplant surgeries a lucrative field for criminals and urged all states and UTs to investigate possible violations and take action against hospitals involved in illegal transplants.

This heartwarming story of medical generosity and the successful collaboration between doctors, a medical trust, and a grateful family showcases the power of compassion and the importance of organ donation in saving lives.

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