Palm Beach County Unveils ‘The Palm Beach Collection’ and Other Tourism Enhancements

Discover the Palm Beaches has launched ‘The Palm Beach Collection’ campaign, inviting visitors to design personalized itineraries based on their interests. This initiative aims to boost tourism during the summer off-season.

To enhance the tourist experience, Discover the Palm Beaches has invested in technological advancements such as a new website with live chat support and upgraded marketing software. These enhancements will provide visitors with easy access to information and support.

The organization also plans to roll out a Certified Tourism Ambassador program. This industry-recognized certification will equip workers, business leaders, and officials with expert knowledge to guide tourists through the county’s diverse entertainment offerings, improving the quality of service within the tourism sector.

Discover the Palm Beaches intends to collaborate with the Tourism Development Council and a private consultant to develop a Tourism Master Plan outlining long-term guiding principles for the industry. The drafting process will begin in July or August, and active participation from business leaders is encouraged.

These strategic initiatives follow a record-breaking year for tourism in Palm Beach County in 2023, with approximately 9.5 million visitors contributing $10.3 billion to the local economy. The tourism sector now accounts for over 11% of the county’s economy.

The ‘The Palm Beach Collection’ campaign will cater to specific interests, making visits more tailored and memorable for tourists. The technological upgrades will ensure better information and support for visitors. Tourism businesses in Palm Beach County can expect increased revenues from the enhanced marketing efforts and technological advancements, as well as a more knowledgeable workforce through the Certified Tourism Ambassador program.

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