Pasqal to Deploy First Quantum Computer in Saudi Arabia

Pasqal, a quantum computer startup based in Paris, recently announced a partnership with Saudi Arabia’s state oil giant Aramco to introduce the nation’s first quantum computer. Pasqal will be responsible for installing, maintaining, and operating the 200-cubit quantum computer, which is projected for deployment in the latter half of 2025.

Pasqal has a track record of success, having already sold two quantum computers to France and Germany. Notably, Alain Aspect, one of Pasqal’s founders, was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for his groundbreaking experiments in quantum mechanics, which laid the groundwork for quantum computing.

Experts anticipate that quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize computation. They could perform certain calculations millions of times faster than even the most powerful supercomputers in use today.

“This partnership positions us at the forefront of driving the commercial adoption of this transformative technology in Saudi Arabia,” stated Georges-Olivier Reymond, CEO and co-founder of Pasqal.

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