Phoenix Convention Center Champions Sustainability in Events

The Phoenix Convention Center is dedicated to sustainable event management, partnering with event organizers to ensure environmentally friendly practices are incorporated into every meeting and gathering. This commitment is evident in their new initiative: a mobile billboard titled “Roadmap to Sustainability Success.” This billboard prominently displays the center’s environmental policies during event setups and breakdowns, raising awareness about their green efforts.

The center encourages event planners to embrace digital tools, advocating for electronic distribution of conference details, online registration, and app-based agendas. “These simple actions drastically cut down on paper usage, promoting a more mindful use of resources and materials,” explained Bentley, a representative from the center. “It’s a big win for sustainability.”

Recognizing the need for badges and lanyards, the Phoenix Convention Center provides attendees with eco-friendly options. They also encourage the use of reusable materials, providing attendees with reusable water bottles and encouraging refills at designated stations to minimize plastic waste. “These practices help significantly increase the sustainability score of an event,” Bentley emphasized.

The center’s commitment extends to exhibitors as well. They encourage exhibitors to prioritize sustainability by minimizing packaging materials, bringing only essential items for attendees, utilizing LED lighting, sourcing products locally, and donating leftover materials. These efforts significantly reduce their environmental footprint.

The Phoenix Convention Center also promotes sustainable catering practices. “Donating surplus food, opting for reusable dishware and cutlery, minimizing disposables, and composting are excellent ways for an event to lessen its environmental impact,” Bentley stated. “Every seemingly small choice adds up. We want to ensure our events succeed while positively impacting the community by putting resources back where they belong.”

The Phoenix Convention Center serves as a valuable resource for event organizers, offering guidance and support to help them plan successful and sustainable events. They are committed to ensuring that events not only resonate with attendees but also contribute to a healthier environment for everyone.

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