Pizza Hut Delivers Resumes on Pizza Boxes in New York City

Finding a job can be a challenging endeavor, especially in today’s competitive hiring environment. To address this challenge, Pizza Hut has launched an innovative campaign called ‘ResZAmes’ in New York City. The campaign aims to bridge the gap between job seekers and potential employers by literally delivering resumes on pizza boxes.

Selected candidates will have their resumes printed on custom Pizza Hut pizza boxes and hand-delivered to their chosen employers. The idea behind this unique approach is to help job seekers make a memorable first impression and stand out from the crowd.

Pizza Hut’s Chief Marketing Officer, Melissa Friebe, emphasized the campaign’s goal of assisting job seekers in navigating the complexities of the job market. She stated, “We know finding a job can be daunting, especially during this key hiring season, so we wanted to lend a hand to our job-seeking customers and help them break through the clutter.”

To participate in the ‘ResZAmes’ campaign, individuals must register on the dedicated website. They will need to enter the zip code of their desired employer’s offices, and if located within New York City, they can complete the application process. A total of 25 candidates will be selected based on their application and resumes.

If chosen, applicants will need to obtain permission from their target company to deliver the pizza box resume. This innovative approach by Pizza Hut offers a unique way for job seekers to make a bold statement and potentially land their dream job. The campaign exemplifies Pizza Hut’s commitment to supporting its customers and addressing real-world issues faced by individuals seeking employment.

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