PNG Prime Minister Slams Biden’s Cannibalism Remarks

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has denounced President Biden’s recent remarks, which implied that his uncle was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea during World War II.

Biden made the comments during a speech in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, saying that his uncle’s plane was shot down in New Guinea and that his body was never found because there were “a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea.”

Marape has since issued a statement condemning Biden’s remarks, saying that his country does not deserve to be labeled as such and that Biden should apologize.

“President Biden’s remarks may have been a slip of the tongue; however, my country does not deserve to be labeled as such,” Marape said in the statement.

“I urge President Biden to get the White House to look into cleaning up these remains of WWII so the truth about missing servicemen like Ambrose Finnegan can be put to rest.”

The White House has yet to respond to Marape’s comments.

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