PoK Protests: 3 Civilians Killed as Pakistan Rangers Open Fire Amid Rising Prices

At least three civilians were killed and several others injured after Pakistani Rangers opened fire on protesters in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) on Monday. The incident occurred during a demonstration against rising prices in the region, which has been ongoing for the past year.

The Pakistani Rangers were called in to maintain law and order but reportedly used excessive force against the protesters, including tear gas, batons, and gunfire. Viral videos circulating on social media showed civilians chasing and attacking police officers, setting fire to ranger vehicles, and pelting them with stones.

The protests in PoK have been organized by the Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee (JAAC), which is demanding lower electricity prices, subsidized wheat, and an end to privileges for the elites. The protests have been met with a heavy-handed response from the authorities, who have detained dozens of activists and cracked down on demonstrations.

The latest tensions in PoK stem from the non-cooperation movement launched a year ago to protest against rising electricity bills and flour prices. The peaceful protest turned violent on Friday when local police and federal forces sent by Islamabad to protect Chinese workers and projects in the region cracked down on the protesters.

On Saturday, violent clashes erupted between the police and civilians during a strike that paralyzed the area. One police officer was killed, and over 90 people were injured in the clashes.

Despite the government’s announcement of financial relief and reduced electricity and flour prices, the protests have continued, highlighting the deep-rooted anger and frustration among the people of PoK. The situation remains tense, and further violence is possible unless the government takes meaningful steps to address the underlying grievances of the protesters.

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