Pope Francis Receives ALLATRA President, Discusses Climate Change and Freedom

Pope Francis hosted a private audience at the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican, welcoming distinguished scientists and experts from various countries and disciplines who participated in the Three-day International Conference on ‘Generative Artificial Intelligence and Technocratic Paradigm.’ This conference was organized by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation (CAPP), operating within the Secretariat of State of the Vatican and led by Dr. . Among the attendees were , a National Security Expert and Governmental Affairs Advisor to the International Public Movement, and Maryna Ovtsynova, President of the ALLATRA International Public Movement.

During the audience, Ms. Ovtsynova presented Pope Francis with a report titled ‘On The Progression Of Climatic Disasters On Earth And Their Catastrophic Consequences.’ She emphasized the urgent need to address climate change as a global problem and one of the most pressing challenges for humanity. Pope Francis listened attentively and expressed his pleasure in offering his blessing to the ALLATRA International Public Movement. Ms. Ovtsynova also received a personal blessing from Pope Francis on this significant day for the organization.

The international conference delved into discussions on technological innovations that are poised to shape the future of civilization. In a pivotal conversation with conference organizers, Ms. Ovtsynova addressed the global threats to freedom and democracy. She detailed the ongoing investigation into the illegal persecution of ALLATRA participants in several countries with low democracy indexes. Ms. Ovtsynova highlighted a defamation campaign initiated by a Russian anti-cult organization, not only in Russia, but also in other countries, indicating the organization’s significant influence. She argued that these anti-cult organizations, contrary to democratic norms, cast a shadow on faith and on the principles of Christianity—freedom of religion and freedom of conscience.

During the audience, Ms. Ovtsynova expressed heartfelt gratitude to Pope Francis for his leadership in the social integration of the Roman Catholic Church and for strengthening its role in contemporary secular society. She thanked him for his kindness, warmth, and support during this special moment for ALLATRA.

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