Portland’s Warmth Gives Way to Wet Weather

Portland basked in 70-degree warmth on Earth Day, a trend that is expected to continue on Tuesday with temperatures reaching approximately 73 degrees. This sunny day with moderate winds will, however, be short-lived as weather patterns shift towards a wetter outlook later in the week.

A weak cool front is predicted to graze northwest Oregon and southwest Washington on Wednesday. While precipitation is unlikely, coastal regions may experience minimal rainfall. Portland can anticipate partly sunny skies, but cloud cover will increase throughout the day, resulting in a temperature decrease to around 65 degrees.

From Thursday onwards, western Oregon will experience a transition to cooler, wetter conditions. A shift in wind patterns will usher in a series of Pacific fronts, bringing widespread rain to the metro area for several days. Thursday will be marked by wet weather, gusty winds, and a 90% chance of rain. The high temperature will drop significantly to 53 degrees, a stark contrast to Tuesday’s warmth.

Long-range forecasts indicate that the rainy conditions will persist into the weekend, with high temperatures hovering between the mid-50s and low-60s.

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