Pregnant, Homeless Woman Gives Birth in Tent Amidst Fentanyl Addiction and Lack of Support

In the early morning hours of April 10, a harrowing scene unfolded on a downtown Portland sidewalk. A pregnant, homeless woman, struggling with a fentanyl addiction, went into labor while in her tent. Her partner, You’ssef Amhaz, described his last-minute call to 911: “She was bleeding a lot. The cord, the baby cord went around her neck. She said, ‘No, no help.’ I said, ‘No.’ She was bleeding a lot. I said, ‘You need to go to the hospital.’”

A recording of the dispatch call to 911 shows the woman had no prenatal care, and the couple had used fentanyl an hour before first responders arrived. Despite repeated calls for assistance from first responders, the woman declined treatment and housing. First responders have been called to help the woman six times in the past two weeks, but have been unable to provide the necessary support.

Rick Graves, the public information officer for Portland Fire & Rescue (PF&R), described the situation as tragic, highlighting the devastating impact of addiction on individuals’ decision-making abilities. Commissioner Sharon Meieran expressed frustration at the county’s inability to adequately address the crisis, stating that “every system has failed her.” City Commissioner Rene Gonzalez emphasized the need to confront the devastation faced by women and children on the streets and called for a comprehensive response to protect the most vulnerable.

The woman and her newborn remain in their tent downtown, despite the recent posting of their site for removal. First responders have indicated that she is on a list for a tiny home, but it is unclear when she will receive the assistance she needs.

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