Pregnant Woman Seeks Advice on Naming Daughter ‘Dalal’ in US

A future mother is grappling with a name dilemma, fearing her unborn daughter might face taunts at school for the name she promised to honor her mother-in-law with. The distressed woman turned to Reddit’s r/namenerds for advice after pledging eight years ago to name her baby after her husband’s mother. She explained the name, of Arabic origin, is ‘Dalal,’ pronounced ‘dah-lahl.’ The woman, now living in the US, expressed concerns that the name might be a source of bullying for her daughter in an American school environment.

Eight years ago, when she made the promise, she was young and didn’t give it much thought. She noted that in their Arab culture, it’s highly honorable to name grandchildren after grandparents. However, now the reality of her daughter’s future in the US has her worried.

To navigate this delicate situation, the expectant mother is considering a dual identity for her daughter: ‘Dalal’ within the family and ‘Delilah’ officially and at school. She posed her dilemma to the online community, seeking guidance from other parents and name enthusiasts.

Reddit users responded with reassurance, many asserting that her choice of ‘Dalal’ is unlikely to lead to bullying. One commenter pointed out that ‘Dalal’ wouldn’t be an overly unique or uncommon name in a modern classroom, so the fears of bullying seemed unfounded. Another user emphasized the importance of trusting her instincts, reminding the woman that a nearly decade-old promise shouldn’t dictate her decision. They also praised ‘Dalal’ as a lovely name and expressed hope that society has progressed beyond making fun of names simply because they aren’t English.

The online community’s support provided solace to the worried mother, highlighting the power of shared experiences and advice in navigating the complexities of parenthood and cultural identity.

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