Premier Kinew Pitches In to Change Flat Tire on Manitoba Dirt Road

Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew stopped to help a woman change her tire on a dirt road Saturday, and a photo of his effort is garnering significant traction online.

Tasha Spillett, who took the photo, said she was coming home from her late father-in-law’s funeral in Little Saskatchewan when the car started making strange noises. She pulled off the highway onto a side road just past Saint Laurent to find a flat tire.

Spillett, with her mother and young daughter in the car, panicked and called her husband who then contacted his friend, Premier Wab Kinew, who had also attended the funeral.

Kinew pulled over to change the flat, and Spillett and her family were soon back on the road.

“It was what any decent Manitoban would do – help somebody out… Just wanted to help her out and make sure she got home safely,” Kinew told Global News.

Leonard Sumner, Spillett’s husband, said losing his father was hard enough, and the car troubles his wife was experiencing just added stress to an already grim weekend. He’s grateful the premier stopped to pitch in.

“I’m very happy that Wab was there … and was ready to put the work in on the side of the road.”

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