Prepare for an Intense Full Moon in Scorpio, Babies! Time for Power and Release

Prepare for an Intense Full Moon in Scorpio, Babies! Time for Power and Release

April’s full moon, known as the “Pink Moon,” rises in the hypnotic sign of Scorpio on April 23rd. This lunation will bring to the surface deep-seated emotions and challenges. Scorpio’s energy demands purging and release, while Taurus, where the sun resides, emphasizes balance and grounding.

Themes for this lunation include power, intimacy, resources, release, and self-rescue. Scorpio rules the genitals and bowels, representing expulsion and transformation through trauma, while Taurus governs the throat and consumption, symbolizing sustenance and indulgence. This axis highlights the delicate balance between life and death, nourishment and detoxification.

The full moon will form a powerful T-square with Pluto in Aquarius, amplifying the transformative potential of this cosmic event. Embrace the intensity, knowing that growth often comes from confronting our fears and embracing change. Welcome grief as an opportunity for release and greet what rises with determination.

Fixed signs, especially Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, will feel the effects of this lunation most strongly. Take extra care of yourself during this time. Engage in self-reflection, release what no longer serves you, and allow space for renewal and growth. Embrace the transformative power of the Full Moon in Scorpio, and emerge from this lunation with a deeper understanding of your inner strength and resilience.

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