Prince Harry Reveals He Faked Being Best Man at Prince William’s Wedding

Prince Harry has revealed a surprising detail about his brother, Prince William’s, wedding to Kate Middleton in his new memoir, ‘Spare’. Harry claims that he was not actually the best man, despite being officially named as such. He alleges that William didn’t want him to deliver a best man’s speech and instead used Harry as a cover to divert media attention from his actual best men, James Meade and Thomas Van Straubenzee.

Harry shares in the book that he was asked to “declare” himself as the best man, which he calls a “bare-faced lie.” The Duke of Sussex details that his brother’s close friends were actually the ones who delivered the traditional best man’s speech at the reception. Harry’s role was merely to introduce them, a fact that was kept hidden from the public.

This revelation sheds light on the growing rift between the two brothers, which Harry claims has deepened over the past decade. He suggests that the entire “best man” charade was purely for show, highlighting a potential strain in their relationship even at such a significant event.

Adding to the tensions, Harry also reveals that William was allegedly tipsy from rum just hours before his wedding. Harry claims he noticed the alcohol on his brother’s breath and offered him mint sweets to try and mask the smell.

These personal anecdotes, included in the 557-page memoir, have sparked controversy and fueled public scrutiny of the Royal Family. Harry’s criticisms of his father, Queen Camilla, Kate, and William have reportedly caused significant friction within the family. While Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace have remained silent, royal insiders report that Harry’s family members in the UK are growing increasingly frustrated with his repeated allegations.

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