Prince Harry’s Irony: Followed by Paparazzi in Florida

Prince Harry’s experience in Florida has sparked a wry chuckle from royal commentators, who point out the irony of his being pursued by paparazzi while filming a series on polo. Daniela Elser, a royal expert, remarked that despite Harry and his wife Meghan Markle’s departure from the UK to escape the relentless UK media, they continue to be the subject of relentless tabloid coverage, while Prince William, Harry’s brother, can visit his local pub without raising an eyebrow.

Elser notes that Harry has previously labeled paparazzi as the ‘devil,’ but his current situation highlights the challenge of escaping the media’s grasp. She suggests that the universe may have a particularly wry sense of humor, given that Harry and Meghan’s relocation to the US to escape the clutches of the British media has not provided them with the respite they sought.

Despite the irony of the situation, Harry and Meghan have continued to engage with the media, including giving interviews and participating in public events. Whether this engagement will ultimately alter their relationship with the paparazzi remains to be seen.

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