Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas Embrace Parenthood, Sharing Insights on Transformation and Challenges

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas Embrace Parenthood, Sharing Insights on Transformation and Challenges

In 2022, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas welcomed their daughter, Malti Marie, into the world,开启了一段改变人生的育儿之旅。Chopra坦率地谈到了她的睡眠模式发生了重大变化,以及她和她女儿Malti之间惊人的相似之处。另一方面,Jonas分享了他经历育儿的意外挑战,以及理想化的期望与育儿现实之间的对比。

Chopra on Sleep Deprivation and Malti’s Personality

Chopra discussed how her sleep patterns have shifted drastically since becoming a mother, emphasizing how she remains constantly vigilant and attentive to her daughter’s needs. On the podcast Read The Room, Chopra shared that her daughter Malti resembles her in personality, attributing this connection to her own comfort with attention, recalling her ease with being in front of the camera and on stage. Chopra believes her upbringing, supported by her parents, family, and friends, empowered her confidence, which she sees mirrored in her daughter Malti.

Jonas on Unanticipated Challenges

Nick Jonas echoed similar sentiments about parenthood during his appearance on the same podcast a few months prior. He emphasized the realization that one cannot control everything after having a child, a significant lesson he hadn’t anticipated learning at that stage of his life. Jonas shared his experience of facing challenges during the initial months of his daughter’s life, acknowledging the stark contrast between expectations and reality in parenthood.


Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’s experiences as new parents offer a relatable and insightful perspective on the transformative nature of parenthood, highlighting the joys, challenges, and unexpected lessons that come with raising a child.

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