Project 2025: A Blueprint for a Conservative Overhaul of the US Government

In July, the Heritage Project, a right-wing think tank, released Project 2025, a comprehensive document outlining a plan to radically transform the federal government if a Republican administration takes office in January 2025. While the upcoming presidential election has generated significant excitement surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota governor Tim Walz, Project 2025’s proposals should not be overlooked. Despite former President Donald Trump’s attempt to distance himself from the document and his criticism of its director, Project 2025 continues to raise concerns. Notably, Harris’s campaign has labeled it as a plan hatched by former Trump administration officials, a statement supported by the fact that several of its authors held positions in the first Trump administration.

This article delves into five of the most unsettling initiatives proposed in Project 2025, ranging from replacing nonpartisan government employees with Trump loyalists to eroding LGBTQ+ rights and increasing the tax burden on middle-class families.

Stacking the Federal Government with Trump Appointees:

Project 2025 emphasizes the need to control and direct the executive branch, advocating for a president who possesses the “boldness to bend or break the bureaucracy to the presidential will.” This stance raises concerns about a potential return to the Trump administration’s attempts to replace nonpartisan government employees with loyalists, potentially undermining the integrity and neutrality of federal institutions.

Erosion of Abortion Rights:

Project 2025 celebrates the overturning of Roe v. Wade, viewing it as a stepping stone towards further restrictions on abortion rights. The document encourages the next conservative president to work with Congress to enact robust protections for the unborn, advocating for a nationwide ban on abortion medication, limiting access to contraception, requiring state reporting of miscarriages and abortions, and increasing the stigma surrounding abortion. These measures would effectively make abortion access even more difficult and challenging than it has become in the past two years.

Targeting LGBTQ+ Rights:

Project 2025 makes a derogatory reference to the “bullying LGBTQ+ agenda,” suggesting a desire to dismantle diversity and inclusion initiatives. The document proposes eliminating diversity and inclusion officers, advisors, and committees within the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It also calls for removing diversity and inclusion requirements from government contracts and grants and rescinding regulations that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics. This agenda clearly seeks to roll back hard-fought gains for LGBTQ+ rights and create a more hostile environment for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Tax Hikes for Middle-Class Americans:

Project 2025 openly acknowledges that its plan would restructure the tax code to favor wealthy families. It proposes reducing the corporate tax rate to 18% while simultaneously increasing the tax burden on middle-class Americans. The document also criticizes the Biden administration’s approach to economic development, calling for the withdrawal of the US from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. These proposals raise concerns about exacerbating income inequality and shifting the tax burden onto middle-class families, potentially leading to a decline in their standard of living.

Opposition to Student Debt Cancellation:

Despite the potential benefits of student debt cancellation for millions of Americans, Project 2025 vehemently opposes this policy. The document advocates for ending loan forgiveness programs, demanding that borrowers repay their loans. It further suggests phasing out existing income-driven repayment plans and eliminating any possibility of loan forgiveness. This stance represents a clear disregard for the financial burdens faced by millions of Americans struggling with student debt, potentially hindering their ability to invest in their futures and achieve economic stability.

Project 2025 outlines a radical agenda that could significantly impact American society. Its proposals concerning abortion rights, LGBTQ+ rights, taxation, and student debt raise serious concerns about the direction of the US government should a Republican administration adopt its principles. By understanding the potential consequences of these proposals, citizens can engage in informed discussions and advocate for policies that protect the rights and interests of all Americans.

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