Psychological Terrorism: Hamas Releases Video of American Hostage with Amputated Hand

Hamas Releases Video of American Hostage with Amputated Hand

Hamas, the terrorist group controlling the Gaza Strip, has released a disturbing video of an American hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin. Goldberg-Polin, who was captured during an October 2023 attack, appears in the video with visible wounds, including the amputation of his left hand.

The Israeli government has condemned the video as an act of psychological terrorism, and has accused Hamas of killing 70 hostages in airstrikes. In the video, Goldberg-Polin delivers a message appearing to be written by Hamas, decrying the Israeli government and Benjamin Netanyahu for neglecting the hostages in Gaza and refusing to accept a ceasefire deal.

The release of the video has引发 outrage in Israel, with thousands of Israelis protesting against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and demanding that more be done to free the hostages. Negotiations between Hamas and Israel have stalled, with Hamas rejecting proposals for a ceasefire and the release of hostages. The international community has urged both sides to reach a deal to avoid further bloodshed and enable the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Psychological Terrorism

The Israeli government has condemned the video as an act of psychological terrorism, designed to intimidate and demoralize the Israeli people. “This is just another one of their attempts at psychological terrorism,” the Israeli government said in a statement.

Israeli Hostages

There are currently 130 hostages, including several Americans, being held by Hamas in Gaza. The hostages were captured during a series of attacks in October 2023. Hamas has demanded the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the hostages, but Israel has rejected this demand.

Calls for Netanyahu’s Resignation

The release of the video has led to renewed calls for Netanyahu’s resignation. Thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets in recent weeks to protest against Netanyahu and demand that he do more to free the hostages. Netanyahu is polling unfavorably but has ruled out early elections this year amid the ongoing war with Hamas.

International Pressure

The U.S. and several members of the international community are urging Hamas and Israel to reach a deal so that the hostages can be freed and humanitarian aid can be delivered to Gaza. The United Nations has also called for a ceasefire and the release of the hostages.


The release of the video of Hersh Goldberg-Polin is a disturbing reminder of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The international community must continue to pressure both sides to reach a deal that will free the hostages and end the bloodshed. The hostages have been held for over 200 days and their families are desperate for their safe return.

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