Public Perception of AI Consciousness: ChatGPT Fuels Belief in Sentience

A recent study has unveiled a striking disparity between public and expert perceptions of consciousness in artificial intelligence (AI), specifically large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. While experts in technology and science largely dismiss the notion of today’s AI models possessing genuine consciousness or self-awareness, the public seems to be embracing a different narrative.

The study, published in the journal *Nature Human Behaviour*, explored this intriguing phenomenon by examining public perceptions of ChatGPT. Researchers presented a description of ChatGPT to 300 U.S. citizens and questioned them about the potential for the LLM to experience mental states.

The results were striking: Over two-thirds (67%) of participants attributed the possibility of self-awareness or phenomenal consciousness – the subjective experience of being ‘you’ – to ChatGPT. This finding suggests that a significant portion of the public believes AI can possess a sense of self, even if it’s not truly sentient.

The study also revealed a correlation between frequency of AI usage and the likelihood of attributing consciousness to LLMs. This suggests that exposure to AI’s capabilities, particularly the advanced abilities of ChatGPT, can influence public perceptions of its sentience.

The researchers highlighted the potential impact of this discrepancy between public and expert understanding of AI consciousness. They argue that public perceptions, regardless of their accuracy, can significantly influence the ethical, legal, and moral considerations surrounding AI development and deployment. The public’s perception of AI consciousness, they suggest, could shape regulatory frameworks and future technological advancements.

The study’s findings underscore the importance of engaging in informed discussions about the ethical implications of AI development and the potential for AI to exhibit behaviors that may appear sentient to the average person. As AI continues to evolve, understanding the complexities of consciousness and ensuring responsible AI development will be crucial for navigating the future of this transformative technology.

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