Puppet Master 5, a 1994 horror film directed by Jeff Burr, is now available for streaming on both Amazon Prime Video and Peacock. This thrilling sequel follows the journey of Rick Myers, a young scientist who employs mystical puppets to combat the malevolent forces of Sutekh. As Rick and his allies struggle to survive supernatural threats while trapped in a secluded hotel, the film delves into the personal sacrifices and stakes faced by its characters.
On Amazon Prime Video, viewers can either rent or purchase Puppet Master 5. Subscribers to Peacock, on the other hand, can access the film as part of its streaming library. Peacock offers a tiered subscription model, with Premium and Premium Plus options available. The Premium account provides access to over 80,000 hours of TV shows, movies, and sports, including current NBC and Bravo shows, along with 50 always-on channels. Premium Plus offers the same content but without advertisements (save for limited exclusions) and allows users to download select titles for offline viewing. Additionally, Premium Plus subscribers gain access to their local NBC channel live 24/7.
Puppet Master 5 is a gripping tale that seamlessly blends horror, fantasy, and adventure. With its captivating storyline, engaging characters, and stunning special effects, it promises an unforgettable cinematic experience. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the Puppet Master franchise or a newcomer to its thrilling world, Puppet Master 5 is a must-watch.
Vritti Johar currently holds the position of an SEO Content Writer at ComingSoon.net, where she combines her passion for cinema with her skills in content creation. Outside of her professional endeavors, Vritti enjoys delving into the realms of art and photography, further nurturing her creative spirit.