Putin to Visit North Korea and Vietnam Amidst Ukraine War

Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to embark on diplomatic visits to North Korea and Vietnam in the coming weeks, as reported by the Vedomosti newspaper. According to diplomatic sources, the visits are in the preparation stages and aim to strengthen ties between Russia and these nations.

The news of Putin’s upcoming trips comes amidst the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has strained international relations and led to increased isolation for Russia. In response, Russia has sought to bolster its connections with countries that are critical of the United States, such as North Korea.

During his visit to North Korea, Putin is expected to meet with leader Kim Jong Un to discuss further cooperation between the two nations. This will mark Putin’s second visit to North Korea since his first in 2000. The leaders may also explore the possibility of bringing North Korean migrant workers to Russia, as the country faces labor shortages due to the Ukraine war.

In Vietnam, Putin is expected to address trade issues and explore economic collaboration opportunities. The Russian trade representative in Vietnam recently highlighted the need for improved banking support to facilitate payments between the two countries.

Putin’s visits to North Korea and Vietnam underscore Russia’s efforts to build stronger alliances with nations that share its opposition to Western influence. These visits are expected to shape future geopolitical dynamics and potentially impact the course of the Ukraine conflict.

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