Qatari Politician Incites Antisemitism, Glorifies Terror at Arab League Session

Essa Al-Nassr, a Brigadier General and member of Qatar’s Shura Council, made inflammatory remarks at an Arab League session, spewing antisemitic tropes and inciting violence against Israel. Al-Nassr, a member of the Financial and Economic Affairs Committee and the Cultural and Media Affairs Committee, accused Jews of being ‘killers of prophets,’ a classic antisemitic trope used in Islamic texts to indict the entire Jewish people. He also praised the ‘Flood of Al-Aqsa operation,’ Hamas’s name for the October 7 massacre, claiming it was a ‘prelude’ to the annihilation of Israel. Al-Nassr’s comments echo the religious-nationalistic view prevalent in Islamist circles that sees the ingathering of Jews in the Holy Land as part of a divine plan for a battle against Muslims that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the Jewish state. The Qatari regime has been implicated in promoting antisemitism through its mouthpiece, Al-Jazeera, which has disseminated conspiracy theories, Holocaust denial, and antisemitic tropes. Qatar’s role as a patron of Hamas and its involvement in mediating with Israel has raised concerns about its commitment to combating terrorism and fostering peace in the region.

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