QR Codes to Streamline Immigration Clearance for Malaysians Traveling to Singapore

Malaysians traveling to Singapore will be able to use QR codes for immigration clearance starting June 1, 2024, at the BSI and KSAB Customs, Immigration, and Quarantine (CIQ) complexes. This implementation is expected to streamline the process and significantly reduce waiting times, particularly for bus commuters during peak hours. Initially, the QR code system will be utilized by Malaysians traveling by bus at BSI and motorcyclists using the automated MBike immigration clearance system at KSAB. The three-month trial phase will be followed by an expansion to include private vehicle users, Singaporeans, and other nationalities. The introduction of QR codes is part of a broader effort to improve congestion management at the Malaysia-Singapore entry points. Officials have also agreed to form a technical committee to optimize bus movements at BSI and KSAB, further contributing to reduced waiting times. Users can opt to use either the MySejahtera app or download the MyTrip and MyDigital ID apps for QR code implementation.

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