Quitting Apps on iPhone? Don’t Do It Unless…

Quitting apps on your iPhone by swiping them away in the carousel is a common practice, but it’s actually not a good idea. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t save battery life and can actually make it worse.

Apple officially recommends only quitting apps when they’re not working properly. There’s no need to go into your app carousel multiple times a day and keep it empty by swiping them all away.

When you swipe up into your app carousel and see it full of apps, it may feel like it’s consuming a lot of resources. However, that’s not the case. After about 30 seconds, apps in the background don’t consume any significant resources unless they have background fetch enabled.

Keeping apps in the carousel allows them to be reopened quickly and efficiently when you need them. It also helps maintain their state, so they don’t have to be completely reloaded each time you open them. This reduces processor usage and improves performance.

If you’re experiencing battery issues on your iPhone, it could be due to other factors such as battery degradation over time. You can check your Battery Health in Settings > Battery and see its current Maximum Capacity. If it has dropped below 80%, it may be time to consider a battery replacement.

A battery replacement is a more cost-effective option than upgrading your iPhone and can significantly improve battery life and overall performance. So, before you start quitting apps in an attempt to save battery, remember that it’s not the best solution. Only quit apps when they’re not working properly, and consider a battery replacement if your battery health has deteriorated.

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