In an interview with ComingSoon Editor-in-Chief Tyler Treese, Quvenzhané Wallis shared her experiences working on the upcoming apocalyptic thriller ‘Breathe.’ The film, directed by Stefon Bristol, takes place on an Earth with uninhabitable oxygen levels, forcing a mother and daughter to live underground. Wallis plays the daughter, Zora, alongside Hudson as the mother, Maya, Common, and Worthington in supporting roles.
Wallis described the film as ‘heart-pounding’ and praised the cast’s chemistry, particularly her scenes with Common. She also discussed the challenges of working with stunt people and using her feet to manipulate objects in scenes where her hands were tied. As a young actress, Wallis expressed her excitement for new experiences and the opportunity to grow and evolve in her career.
‘Breathe’ is set to hit theaters and digital platforms on April 26, 2024. Wallis’s performance is highly anticipated, and the film is expected to be a thrilling and thought-provoking exploration of survival and family dynamics in a post-apocalyptic world.
Treese is an experienced entertainment journalist whose work has appeared in various publications, including Sherdog, Fanbyte, and Rock Paper Shotgun. He is also ComingSoon and SuperHeroHype’s Editor-in-Chief and enjoys mixed martial arts and spending time with his Shiba Inu, Kota.