Released in 1996, Raja Hindustani is a Hindi-language romantic drama that revolves around the budding romance between Raja, a small-town cab driver, and Aarti, a young woman from an affluent family. Written and directed by Dharmesh Darshan, the film features Aamir Khan and Karisma Kapoor in lead roles. The film’s story begins when Raja, a cab driver from Palankhet, meets Aarti, a rich and beautiful woman, and the two fall in love after sharing a passionate kiss. However, their love story is not without its challenges, as Aarti’s father, Bakshrath, rejects Raja as her suitor. Aarti and Raja elope, but their happiness is short-lived as Aarti’s cunning stepmother, Shalini, sows the seeds of doubt and hatred in an attempt to usurp her father’s wealth. Raja Hindustani is a captivating love story with memorable performances from Aamir Khan and Karisma Kapoor. The film’s success is a testament to its timeless appeal, and it continues to entertain audiences to this day. If you are a fan of romantic dramas, then Raja Hindustani is a must-watch. The film is available to watch and stream via Amazon Prime Video, so be sure to check it out.