Renowned Vietnamese Agricultural Scientist Professor Vo Tong Xuan Passes Away at 84

Professor Vo Tong Xuan, a prominent figure in Vietnamese agriculture and globally renowned for his contributions to the field, passed away on Monday at the age of 84. Xuan, a leading expert in agricultural science, made significant contributions to international research, especially in the field of rice cultivation and ensuring food security among rice-dependent populations. He breathed his last at a hospital in Hanoi.

Born in 1940 in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang, Xuan’s journey began with a scholarship to study at the Philippine Agricultural University in Los Banos in 1961. His academic prowess shone through, earning him a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Chemistry in 1966. The same year, he embarked on a PhD journey at the renowned International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).

After completing his doctorate, Xuan returned to Vietnam in 1971 at the invitation of the Can Tho University director, who recognized his immense potential. He dedicated himself to training agricultural engineers in his homeland. His commitment to furthering agricultural knowledge took him to Japan in 1974 to defend his doctoral thesis. Xuan’s expertise resulted in the creation of several valuable textbooks, books, and reference materials that significantly enhanced agricultural production not only in Vietnam but also globally.

His contributions were acknowledged through the honorary title of professor of agronomy in 1980 and the Labour Hero award in 1985. Xuan’s influence extended beyond academia, as he served three terms as a National Assembly delegate.

Xuan played a pivotal role in ensuring food security by popularizing the IR36 rice variety in the Mekong Delta region, a region particularly vulnerable to pests. He collaborated closely with farmers, imparting his knowledge and skills in advanced grafting techniques. His last public appearance was on June 29th, when he participated in a workshop on water security in the Mekong Delta region.

Professor Vo Tong Xuan’s legacy will be remembered for his unwavering commitment to improving agricultural practices and ensuring food security for millions. His funeral is scheduled to take place at the Can Tho Funeral Hall in Can Tho City.

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