Republican Kevin Hern Wins Primary in Oklahoma, Setting Up November Race

Rep. Kevin Hern, a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump, has won the Republican primary for Oklahoma’s First Congressional District, ending a lopsided fundraising battle, according to the Associated Press. The battle for the seat pitted Rep. Kevin Hern, R-Okla., who has held the seat for six years, and Paul Royse, who ran on a platform his campaign boasted was “against Trump,” including plans to make “drastic cuts” to both Social Security and Medicare.

Hern has been a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump and was nominated for Speaker of the House last January as a protest of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. The incumbent expressed interest in seeking the nomination for Speaker in October before withdrawing himself from consideration. He then announced his desire to seek the nomination again after Reps. Steve Scalise, R-La., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, dropped out of the race.

The race featured one of the more lopsided funding battles of any primary across the country, with Hern raising nearly $1.6 million, according to Federal Election Commission data. Royse, meanwhile, did not file any campaign finance disclosures with the FEC.

Hern will now advance to November’s general election, where he will face off with either Evelyn Rogers, who has sought the seat in previous elections as an independent but is running as a Democrat in 2024, and former FBI agent Dennis Baker.

Oklahoma’s First Congressional District has been solidly Republican for decades, with former Rep. James R. Jones being the last Democrat to win the seat in 1984.

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