Restaurant Workers Spill the Beans: What They Avoid Ordering and Why

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at your favorite restaurant? We all have those moments of curiosity about the food we’re served, the practices used, and even the things servers might avoid ordering themselves. To shed light on these hidden aspects, we reached out to the BuzzFeed Community, specifically to former restaurant workers, and asked them to share their experiences.

The responses were eye-opening, revealing a glimpse into the world of restaurant operations and the choices servers make when dining out. One former restaurant manager shared a valuable perspective: “I ran a restaurant for a few years and can honestly say I wouldn’t serve anything I wouldn’t order if I were eating out anywhere else. Otherwise, what’s the point?” This sentiment highlights the importance of quality and authenticity, even within the restaurant industry.

Many former employees emphasized the need for caution when dining at certain establishments, particularly chain restaurants. They advised approaching such places with a discerning eye, suggesting that the quality might not always align with expectations.

So, the next time you’re deciding what to order, consider the insights shared by these experienced servers. Their firsthand knowledge might just influence your choices and help you make the most of your dining experience. Let us know in the comments if you’ve ever had a similar experience or if these tips have changed your perspective on restaurant dining.

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