RFK Jr.’s ‘Heinous Crimes’ Comments Spark Republican Backlash

RFK Jr.’s ‘Heinous Crimes’ Comments Spark Republican Backlash

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is facing intense criticism from Republicans over resurfaced video comments in which he suggested individuals in red states are more likely to commit heinous crimes and “murder you.” The remarks, made at a 2005 IdeaCity speech, have drawn swift condemnation from numerous Republican members of Congress, who have accused him of making “divisive attacks” against red state America.

In the video, RFK Jr. asserted that “Red state people are more likely to murder you, to impregnate your teenage daughter, to commit a violent crime against you, to commit a nonviolent crime against you, to watch Desperate Housewives on TV, to buy pornography, to buy degenerate video games like ‘Grand Theft Auto.’”

Republican lawmakers have vehemently denounced RFK Jr.’s comments, with Senator John Barasso (R-Wyo.) calling them “divisive attacks” that are “disqualifying.” Representative Lance Gooden (R-Texas) dismissed RFK Jr.’s claims as “unhinged” and asserted that “Texans won’t forget!” Representative Jim Banks (R-Ind.) echoed these sentiments, condemning RFK Jr.’s “baseless, unhinged attacks on the values of Red State America.”

RFK Jr. has defended his remarks, arguing that he used criteria “that most of us use to judge morality” to determine that blue states are more moral than red states. He cited statistics comparing divorce rates, teen pregnancy rates, and other social indicators between red and blue states to support his claim.

The controversy surrounding RFK Jr.’s comments has further escalated following his challenge to GOP nominee Donald Trump to a presidential debate. RFK Jr. asserted that he, rather than Biden, is the only candidate who can defeat Trump in November, citing an internal poll conducted by his campaign. He also announced a “no-spoiler pledge,” vowing not to run as a third-party candidate if Biden also takes the pledge.

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