Rid Your Washing Machine of Mould and Limescale: 3 Household Wonders

Mould and limescale are persistent problems in washing machines, affecting both the cleanliness of your laundry and the longevity of your appliance. Simon Allen, co-founder of Fountain Filters and an expert in water filtration, emphasizes that combating these issues goes beyond mere sanitation; it safeguards your family’s health and extends the lifespan of your washing machine.

To effectively eliminate mould, Allen recommends initiating the cleaning process with an empty washing machine. Run a hot cycle with two cups of white vinegar, a natural disinfectant that effectively eradicates mould without damaging the internal components. Post-vinegar cycle, incorporate half a cup of baking soda directly into the drum and run another hot cycle. Baking soda complements vinegar by providing a deeper clean and eliminating lingering odors.

Remember to give special attention to the detergent drawer and door seal, as these areas are prime breeding grounds for mould. Detach the detergent drawer and immerse it in a vinegar solution. For the door seal, apply the same solution to a soft cloth or brush and meticulously clean the crevices where mould tends to accumulate.

To prevent future mould buildup, make it a habit to leave the washing machine door slightly ajar after each wash, allowing airflow to dry out any residual moisture. This simple yet effective solution can significantly deter mould growth.

Limescale buildup requires a slightly different approach. Allen suggests running a hot cycle with citric acid to effectively tackle stubborn accumulations. Supplement this with a quick wipe-down of the drum and door seal after each use to inhibit the conditions that foster mould and limescale development.

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