Robophobia: Robots in Hospitality May Exacerbate Labor Shortage

The hospitality industry has been hit hard by the pandemic and is still struggling to find enough workers. Some employers are turning to robots to fill the gap, but a new study from Washington State University suggests that this may not be the best solution.

The study, which involved more than 620 lodging and food service employees, found that employees who fear that robots will take their jobs (robot-phobia) are more likely to feel job insecure, stressed, and to intend to leave their jobs. This impact was more pronounced with employees who had real experience working with robotic technology.

The findings, published in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, suggest that the hospitality industry needs to take robot-phobia seriously. “The turnover rate in the hospitality industry ranks among the highest across all non-farm sectors, so this is an issue that companies need to take seriously,” said lead author Bamboo Chen, a hospitality researcher in WSU’s Carson College of Business. “The findings seem to be consistent across sectors and across both frontline employees and managers. For everyone, regardless of their position or sector, robot-phobia has a real impact.”

The study also found that employees who viewed robots as being more capable and efficient also ranked higher in turnover intention. This suggests that employers need to be careful about how they introduce robots into the workplace.

“When you’re introducing a new technology, make sure not to focus just on how good or efficient it will be,” said Chen. “Instead, focus on how people and the technology can work together.”

Robots and automation can be good ways to help augment service, Chen said, as they can handle tedious tasks humans typically do not like doing such as washing dishes or handling loads of hotel laundry. But the danger comes if the robotic additions cause more human workers to quit. The authors point out this can create a “negative feedback loop” that can make the hospitality labor shortage worse.

To avoid this, employers need to communicate not only the benefits but the limitations of the technology — and place a particular emphasis on the role human workers play. By doing so, they can help to reduce robot-phobia and its negative consequences for the hospitality industry.

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