Royal Family Steps Back from Duties Amidst UK Election

Due to ongoing political turmoil in the United Kingdom, the British royal family has decided to step back from public duties until after the general election on July 4th. This decision was made to ensure that the royal family remains impartial and does not interfere in the democratic process.

The Princess of Wales has been undergoing treatment for cancer and has taken a break from her duties. King Charles has also reduced his scheduled appearances due to a cancer diagnosis. Both senior royals have canceled engagements this week following Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s call for a snap general election.

In a statement released on May 22nd, Buckingham Palace said that the royal family is postponing engagements “which may appear to divert attention or distract from the election campaign.” The statement also expressed the family’s apologies to those affected by the cancellations.

The royal family’s decision to step back reflects their commitment to remaining impartial as heads of state. They cannot take sides or publicly share any political opinions. In the current climate, where the election is set to become around-the-clock news, it’s likely they would be asked to comment on what’s going on at Downing Street while making the rounds publicly. By taking a step back, they are able to maintain their neutrality.

Some events, such as King Charles’s visit to Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, are reported to continue as scheduled. So while the royal family may not be entirely absent from the spotlight, they’ve definitely taken a big step back from it until after the election.

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