Russia Backs China’s Stance on Taiwan, Criticizes US Arms Sales

Russia has come out in strong support of China’s stance on Taiwan, accusing the West of applying blatant pressure on Beijing and branding US actions as provocative and destabilizing. In a statement made on Friday, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova declared that Moscow fully backs China’s efforts to defend its sovereignty.

This statement comes on the heels of a series of escalating tensions between China and the US over Taiwan. China’s defense ministry slammed US arms sales to Taiwan as a serious violation of the “One China Principle” and the joint communiques between China and the US. The ministry also revealed that China has taken action against nine US military-linked firms in retaliation for these weapon sales.

China views Taiwan as a breakaway province and has repeatedly threatened to use force if necessary to prevent Taiwan from declaring formal independence. The US, on the other hand, has long-standing commitments to supporting Taiwan’s defense, including supplying arms and maintaining a strong military presence in the region. This conflicting stance has become a major source of tension in the Asia-Pacific region.

The convergence of Russia and China’s positions on Taiwan is significant, given the geopolitical landscape. Russia is currently engaged in a protracted conflict with Ukraine, heavily reliant on military aid from NATO members. China, meanwhile, faces pressure from a concerted US effort to counter its growing military and economic influence. This shared experience of facing Western pressure has led Russia and China to increasingly find common cause on global issues.

The latest pronouncements from both countries signal a deepening alliance, with both sides aligning their positions on key international issues. This development further intensifies the geopolitical tensions between the West and these two major powers, potentially shaping the global political landscape in the years to come.

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