Tensions have escalated between Russia and France over the arrest and charges against Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. Durov, a Russian-born entrepreneur who also holds French citizenship, was detained in Paris on August 24th, accused of various offenses related to his messaging app, Telegram. These charges include allowing child pornography and drug trafficking, as well as refusing to cooperate with authorities in sharing information, money laundering, and providing cryptographic services to criminals.
Following four days of questioning, Durov was released on bail of five million euros and barred from leaving France. He is required to report to a police station twice a week while investigations continue.
Russia has expressed strong concern over the situation, characterizing Durov’s arrest as politically motivated. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated, “The main thing is for what is happening in France not to run into political persecution.” He emphasized that Russia considers Durov a Russian citizen and will provide any necessary assistance.
The charges against Durov include “complicity in managing an online platform to allow illicit transactions by an organized group,” as well as suspicion of “serious acts of violence” towards one of his children during a previous stay in Paris. His ex-partner, the boy’s mother, had previously filed a complaint against Durov in Switzerland in 2023.
Telegram, in a statement on X, defended its CEO, asserting that Durov “has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe.” The messaging app claims it is “absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.” The company continues to maintain its innocence and has vowed to cooperate with any legitimate investigation.
The situation remains under development, with the potential for further legal proceedings and escalating diplomatic tensions between Russia and France.