Russian Influencer Alleges Misconduct by Passport Officer at Delhi Airport

A Russian influencer, Dinara, has alleged that an Indian passport officer at Delhi Airport asked her to call him during her next visit to the country. Dinara, who has a substantial following on Instagram, is known for her love of India and has frequently shared videos and photos of herself dressed in traditional Indian attire. In her recent video, Dinara claimed that the passport officer wrote his contact number on her boarding pass and asked her to contact him. She expressed shock and disapproval of the officer’s behavior, posting a video on her social media asking her followers to vote on whether the officer’s actions were appropriate. The video has garnered significant attention, with the majority of respondents condemning the officer’s behavior as inappropriate. Some users have called for the officer to be held accountable for his actions, while others have expressed concerns about the safety of female travelers in India. The incident has sparked a discussion about appropriate behavior for government officials and the need for stronger measures to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

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