Russian Student Jailed for Supporting Ukrainian Paramilitary Unit

A Russian court in the country’s Far East has sentenced a student to nearly two months in prison for expressing positive statements about a Ukrainian paramilitary unit that Moscow considers a ‘terrorist’ group. This verdict underscores the harsh crackdown on dissent in Russia as its troops engage in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Russian media outlets reported that a 19-year-old male student from a local university in the Primorye region was apprehended. The RIA Novosti news agency revealed that he was accused of ‘publicly justifying terrorism’ and subsequently placed in detention for a period of one month and 28 days. According to investigators, the student allegedly made statements on social media platforms that endorsed the actions of an unidentified Ukrainian paramilitary unit, which is outlawed in Russia. The charges carry a potential sentence of up to seven years in prison.

Since the commencement of its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, Moscow has implemented a strict policy against criticism of the conflict, leading to numerous individuals facing punishments ranging from prison sentences to fines. This latest incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing suppression of dissent and the limitations on freedom of expression within Russia.

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