Russians Seek Asylum in Western Countries to Avoid Conscription as Casualties Rise

The conflict in Ukraine has reached a critical juncture, with both Russia and Ukraine facing declining troop strength. As a result, Russian citizens are seeking asylum in Western countries at unprecedented levels to avoid conscription. The U.K. government has confirmed that applications for refuge have surged, with many Russians desperate to escape mandatory military service.

The war has taken a heavy toll on both sides, compelling Moscow and Kyiv to bolster their ranks by intensifying conscription efforts. Russia has raised the conscription age and implemented stricter penalties for draft evasion. However, despite the influx of new recruits, Western experts estimate that Russia’s army has already lost over 315,000 soldiers. This has forced the Kremlin to reconstitute its forces at a pace that exceeds initial projections.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is also struggling to maintain its fighting force. The government has lowered the conscription age to replenish its ranks, but faces a shortage of available fighters. President Zelensky has called for an expanded draft, recognizing the need for additional troops.

The situation highlights the escalating human cost of the conflict. Russian citizens are risking persecution and imprisonment by fleeing their country to avoid conscription. The influx of asylum seekers into Western countries underscores the desperation and fear that permeates Russian society amid the ongoing war.

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