Rutgers Center for Islamic Life Vandalized

An arrest was made in the vandalism that damaged several items of value at the Rutgers Center for Islamic Life on the last day of Ramadan.

Center spokeswoman Atiya Aftab said art pieces with Quranic verses were destroyed, a Palestinian flag was ripped off its pole, windows were shattered, TVs were vandalized, and printers were broken in the attack on the early hours of April 10, the holiday of Eid al-Fitr. No one was at the center at the time of the attack.

Rutgers University police said Jacob Beacher, 24, of New Brunswick, was charged with federal charges of damage to religious property and making fraudulent statements. He is being held at a federal prison. State charges are pending. He remains in federal custody.

Beacher is not affiliated with Rutgers.

“The CILRU has been a leading voice in advocating for Muslim students on campus and has expressed unequivocal support for Palestine actions and advocacy at Rutgers University,” Council on American-Islamic Relations-New Jersey spokeswoman Dina Sayedahmed said in a statement.

Rutgers Police Department asked anyone with information about the vandalism or who may have been in the area at the time to contact them at 848-932-8025.

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